Grand Rapids is Going Artsy in A BIG WAY!!

Grand Rapids is Going Artsy in A BIG WAY!!

Unless you have hiding under a rock, or chained to your computer,

The Art Prize is the BIG NEWS in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  The Art Prize was

announced earlier this year as a top prize of $250,000 for the top

art work selected by a public vote.  Highly controversial, as those in

the art community doubt that the average person is qualified to

judge art work.  It is sure to create a buzz around art and that is

the point.

The Art Prize exhibits opened yesterday and we went for our first

tour today.  With 1262 artists entered in over 159 venues, it is no

small task to try to see them all.  We took some time to tour the

large sculptures and the Waters Building today.  The others will

have to wait until another day.

The voting will take place over a 2 week period, with just a thumbs up

vote to keep an entry in the running. The top 25, top 50, and top 100

are posted on the web site so we can all keep track of who is ahead.

Here are a few photos of the large installations at the Blue Bridge,

so you can get an idea of what Grand Rapids is up to:

Blue Bridge Artwork

The Nessie Project

Nessie  Table Chairs Blue Bridge

Nessie Close up

Sarah Grant Table and Chairs


Sarah grant table chairs zoom

Our sources tell us the Nessie Project was supposed to go farther out

in the Grand River, so there would be more movement but the cranes

could not get it installed any farther  from the shore.

The giant Table and Chairs is a very apt piece for Grand Rapids as we

were known as “Furniture City” in the first half of the 20th century.

Come on out and see the art work for yourself and don’t forget to

register to vote for your favorite pieces.

Copyright 2009 All rights reserved

Photos by Bonnie Westbrook


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the Greater Grand Rapids MI area, and what it is like to live in West

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area with a diverse business community, great medical research & services,

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