Are You are BIG enough to Get the Little Picture?

Are you Big Enough to Get The Little Picture?

FH Foods family bathroom

You might have to really look at this picture to see the details.

When I went to our local food store recently,  I needed to to make a

necessary stop.  When I saw the bathroom, I had to go to my car and get

get my camera to take this shot above.  Our local grocery store is one of

the best I have ever been in.  They listen to their customers and try to

make life easier and more convenient for them.

We (and everyone we know) love Forest Hills Foods.  This is just one of a

dozen reasons.  If you have little children, would they like to go to the

bathroom where they can have a stool and sink at their height?

Would it make it a fun experience for them?  You bet!

Thanks again, Forest Hills Foods, for thinking about your customer’s

grocery store experience.


The authors of the this blog write about Grand Rapids Real Estate,

the Greater Grand Rapids MI area, and what it is like to live in

West Michigan. Grand Rapids Michigan is a vibrant, growing

metropolitan area with a diverse business community, great medical

research & services, numerous universities, plus lively arts and

entertainment of all kinds.

We believe: Grand Rapids is a Great Place to Live!

ar125812212017642 Forest Hills Public Schools Top State of Michigan  Rankings ar125812218972939 Forest Hills Public Schools Top State of Michigan  Rankings ar125812225271331 Forest Hills Public Schools Top State of Michigan  Rankings

Westbrook Realty Grand Rapids MI Real Estate

Contact Terry   616-292-7263


Rockford Michigan 4th of July 2009 Celebration

Rockford Michigan will be celebrating the 4th of July by having

a Children’s Bike Parade, outdoor concert and a fireworks display.

Like most small towns across America, this is the time to show your

patriotism by decorating your bike, riding in the parade so your

proud parents can take pictures.  In Rockford, you get to

relax by the Rogue River for an outdoor concert and a great

fireworks display.


Main Street in Rockford

July 4th Schedule of Events:

Children’s Bike Parade  1:30 pm registration, 2:00 pm parade begins – Downtown Rockford (Squires St parking lot)


Garden Park Concert – 7:30 pm – 10:00pm The Oxymorons Band


Fireworks Display -  Over the City at dusk ( approx 10:15 pm)


Westbrook Realty Grand Rapids Real Estate

Top 3 Reasons to have a Beer in Grand Rapids Tonight

By Bonnie & Terry Westbrook

Fact: Grand Rapids citizens like their beer.

There are six flourishing micro-breweries/or brew pubs here.

Award winning brewers have come up with stouts and ales that discriminating

beer drinkers will make a pilgrimage to Grand Rapids to taste. No kidding, we

had friends in from Cambridge MA last winter and they had to go to Founders

to get the Breakfast Stout. In fact, we had a Beer tasting Christmas Brunch

that was fantastic……… then I took a nap.

Founders Kentucky Breakfast Bourbon Aged Stout

is touted as one of the pint of beer freefoto.combest beers in Michigan

by Supporting our local economy and small

business is just one of the reasons I can think of to make

local beer the only beer we drink. You can havea great

tasting, exquisitely brewed beer from a local brewery,

make a greencontribution, and support the Michigan


How about that for the top 3 reasons to have a

beer with dinner tonight?

Some say the secret to great beer is the small batch

and a master blender. Several of the breweries here in

Grand Rapids are well known to craft beer enthusiasts and

small batches mean that this beer is only available locally

and isn’t produced in sufficient quantities to bottle and


The names alone are intriguing:

  • Old Curmudgeon Ale
  • Devil Dancer Triple IPA
  • Bone Crusher Stout
  • Hoppy Holidays
  • Snowblind Warmer Ales

So if you want to taste the Grand Rapids Beers,

you will have to come to our “River City” and

have a pint to see what you have been missing.

founders bar

Local Micro-Breweries & Brew Pubs:

Arena Brewing Co.
25 Ottawa SW Next to VanAndel Arena
Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Big Buck Brewery/ and Steakhouse
2500 28th Street SE Grand Rapids, MI 49512

Bob’s House Of Brews
20 Monroe Ave NW (The B.O.B.) Grand Rapids, MI 49341

Founders Brewing Company
235 Grandville SW Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Grand Rapids Brewing Company

3689 28th St Grand Rapids, MI 49512

Schmohz Brewing Co
2600 Patterson SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546

Beer and ale volume

4 gills = 1 pint

2 pints = 1 quart
4 quarts = 1 gallon
9 gallons = 1 firkin
2 firkins = 1 kilderkin
3 kilderkins = 1 hogshead
2 hogsheads = 1 butt

More websites for beer aficionados are:

Copyright by Terry Westbrook 2008

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Founders photo from their website,

pint of beer from

Roller Derby is Rockin' the House in Grand Rapids

If you are wondering what to do on a Saturday night in Grand Rapids,

I’d suggest attending the Roller Derby ! I just got this update from the Roller

Derby Gals and thought I would pass it on. I have mentioned the

Grand Raggidy Roller Girls before ( see links at bottom of article) for an evening

of unparalleled fun and flat track skating prowess, it doesn’t get any better!

Hope to see you there!

grand raggidy roller derby team photo

Copy of the email I received from Grand Raggidy Roller Girl,

Bette Mangler:

Roller derby girls are known for being tough as nails and fearless

to a fault. The Grand Raggidy Roller Girls are a prime example of that

tenaciousness. The hometown league’s Travel Team has never backed down

from a challenge, and that’s just what they’ll face when they kick off their

season April 26th against the phenomenal derby powerhouse known as

the Windy City Rollers. The Windy City Rollers of Chicago have jumped the

ranks in the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association(WFTDA)in the past year.

In August ’07, they took second place at WFTDA’s Eastern Regionals,

earning a coveted spot at Nationals that fall in Austin, Texas, where they made

a strong showing. They currentlyare WFTDA ranked 7th in the nation, sharing

the top ten with such big names as Carolina, Texas and New York. Simply put,

these ladies kick all kinds of derby butt.
They’re also a close sister league and longtime friends to the GRRG, and the

two leagues are excited to finally meet on the flat track for the first time.

The Grand Raggidy Roller Girls Travel Team is ready for the challenge and

the elevated level of competition that the April 26th game promises to bring.

The GRRG were able to place 11th at WFTDA’s Eastern Regionals this

past August. The recent restructure of the league leaves the newly formed

Travel Team with most of the league’s strongest, fastest and seasoned players.

And since the GRRG skaters no longer compete against one another, they’re

sharing all their secrets, teaching one another new tricks, training harder

and getting way better, way faster. Not to mention, they’ll be unveiling

some great, new Travel Team skaters this season.
The GRRG’s new venue has a smaller capacity, and tickets are sure to be in

high demand for the season’s events. Buy early to ensure a seat. Stay tuned

for more updates, or check out

Event details:
Saturday, May 17
Doors at 5 p.m.; action at 6 p.m.
Rivertown Sports, 2605 Sanford Ave SW
Tickets are $10 presale, $15 at the door

Limited pre-sale tickets available through

More Derby Articles:

Championship Bout – Final FaceOff

Warning: Roller Derby is Addictive

Biff! Bam! Oomph! Roller Derby & Real Estate

Copyright by Terry Westbrook 2008

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Greater Grand Rapids Area Information

Contact me: 1-888-240-1968 x 0 toll free

Website: Terry


Five Star Real Estate, LLC

photo of the Grand Raggidy Roller Teams courtesy of their website

Spring Harbinger

The Forsythia is the unofficial sign of spring for me here in Ada Michigan.

Whether we have a cold, wet spring season or a dry, warm sunny one, this burst of chromium

yellow joy from Mother Nature can lift the heart. While we were out cruising today on our

Monday errands, such as putting up Open House rider signs on our listings for this coming

weekend, we got to see a whole lot of forsythia bushes in bloom. They are hardy here in the

north and can survive our sometimes brutally cold winters. Themost charming aspect of this

shrub for me is the fact that the flowers come before the leaves. This plant likes to party

before it gets down to the business of photosynthesis! You have to admire the show.

The bushes are covered with thousands of brilliant yellow star flowers, well

just see for yourself. We did a few drive-by shootings today on our outing:

forsythia in spring ada mmi

forsythia in spring ada mi

forsythia in spring ada mi

forsythia in spring ada mi

Copyright by Bonnie Westbrook 2008

Search Grand Rapids Homes for Sale

Featured Grand Rapids Homes

Greater Grand Rapids Area Information

Contact: 1-888-240-1968 x 0 toll free

Website: Terry

Five Star Real Estate, LLC

photos by Bonnie Westbrook

Weird Plant + Edible Landscaping = Greener Environment

Weird plant life – No, if you are gardeners or farmers you will probably

recognizethat the shoots coming out of the ground with this fantastic red

color are rhubarb.

Michigan is one of the largest producers of rhubarb and it is even

forced in greenhouses here for winter harvesting. Some say that

Michigan and Canadian rhubarb tastes the best.


The rhubarb plant or “pie plant” as it is also known, can be

harvested all summer. The plant is originally from Asia, a relative

of the buckwheat familyand is loved by Japanese beetles who will literally

strip the leaves bare, if allowedto feast. Ironically, the leaves are

poisonous to humans, so be sure to just eat the stalks.

The rhubarb plant is also a heavy feeder and will thrive with lots of

compost orcow manure dressing in the spring and fall. The flower stalks

should be removedif you plan on harvesting.

We love rhubarb pie, warm rhubarb sauce, rhubarb bars, and it also

makes a great quickbread for breakfast. It is a snap to freeze

[just wash, cut up and put it into freezer bags].

The recipes to use rhubarb are many and varied including jam, wine,

drinks,salads. The most common companion in cooking is the strawberry.

Rhubarb is loaded with vitamin C and fiber.

It is so popular that there are 10 Rhubarb Festivals around the

world according to the Rhubarb Compendium.

rhubarb pie

And Wikipedia toasts rhubarb pie in our culture:

Bebop-a-reebop Rhubarb Pie and Bebop-a-reebop

Frozen Rhubarb Pie Filling are frequent fictional sponsors

of A PrairieHome Companion.

Children’s song artist Laurie Berkner sings about the

dessertin “Rhubarb Pie (Hot Commodity)”.

In the Weird Al” Yankovic song, “The Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota,”

“Mama’s homemade rhubarb pie” is one of the things the family takes with

them on their trip.”

Since rhubarb is a large, long living perennial here in Kent County

Michigan, it can be used in the landscape as a decorative plant.

Landscape plants that double as food are green sustainablilty

at its best.

Rhubarb will be on the local menus here in Grand Rapids, soon.

rhubarb plant parts

Copyright by Bonnie Westbrook 2008

photo by Bonnie Westbrook rhubarb parts from rhubarb pie photo from wikipedia

First Robin Sighting in Grand Rapids Michigan

We saw our first robin yesterday – sure sign spring is here!!

If you live in Grand Rapids MI, you know that the robins return

signals spring.  We have had a cold and snowy winter this year and

are especially glad to see our first one this year.

Robins bring the message of spring in person every year!

robin gr mi real estate

I always marvel at their early arrival ~ They are the first birds to nest in the spring and

hatch their first babies in April. A pair of robins will raise 2-3 batches of young every summer

season, selecting and building a new nest every time. They ignore the weather, our soil is still

frozen in spots, so not much worm activity yet. They are also the State Bird of Michigan.

Probably selected for the forementioned reasons.robin gr mi real estate


Much like the robins, we also get the urge to move

 and make a new start in the spring.


Are you thinking of getting a home with more room?

Do you need a bigger garage or basement?

Do your children need more space to play??

Whatever the reason, now is a great time to move up and get the home of your dreams.

Don’t believe what  the media has been touting ad nauseum.   People are getting their house ready

to sell, selling them and moving every day.

Just like the robins, we can find a new home this spring, too.

robins photos from wikipedia-American robin

Copyright by Bonnie Westbrook 2008                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Contact us at : 1-888-240-1968 x 0   

Westbrook Realty ~ Grand Rapids Real Estate        

March is Sugar Bush Time in Grand Rapids Michigan

March is SugarBush Time in Grand Rapids Michigan.

We are fortunate to have Blandford Nature Center, a 143 acre natural site

in the second largest city in the state.  And all this month on Saturday and Sunday

(*except Easter weekend) there will be a SugarBush Festival with the smell of maple

syrup cooking in the air.  This fresh maple syrup is available to eat at the annual

pancake breakfast.  So, you can have some real maple syrup on those pancakes!

If you have  never had one of nature’s sweetest treats – make it a point to sample:

The Annual 2008 Pancake Breakfast

March 15th from 8 AM to 12 PM

1715 Hillburn Ave. Grand Rapids Michigan

Admission: $3 Adults  $1 children

blandford sugar shack gr mi

If you are interested in Maple Sugaring Facts, here are a few to consider:

  • Tapping does no permanent damage and only 10 percent of the sap is collected each year.
  • Many maple trees have been tapped for 150 or more years.
  • Usually a maple tree is at least 30 years old and 12 inches in diameter before it is tapped
  • It takes 30-50 gallons of sap to make one gallon of maple syrup

Much more information is available at the Michigan Maple Sugar Association

Volunteers are needed to run the sugar bush and help with all the facilities. A perfect way

to learn all about this process, a hands on education for yourself and your children/grand children.

Blandford Nature Center 616-735-6240

* Easter Weekend, Blandford Nature Center’s 5 miles of Nature Trails will be open for self-guided tours.

Mixed Greens has more information on volunteering, Blandford Nature Center, and Sugar Bush Fun.

Copyright by Bonnie Westbrook 2008

Contact us at : 1-888-240-1968 x 0

Westbrook Realty ~ Grand Rapids Real Estate

sugar shack photo courtesy of mixed

Are You the Perfect Neighbor?

Most of us have neighbors. You know, those folks who make your neighborhood a great place to live.  They wave at you when you are walking the dog or driving by.

neighborhoodThey keep their house in good repair.

 They paint the siding when it needs it.

 They put on a new roof before the old one gets so bad, the roof leaks. 

 They keep their lawn mowed.

They rake their leaves before winter snows bury them or before they all blow over to your yard.

They offer to watch your dog if you go out of town for a few days. 


 If you have really good neighbors, they shovel your snowy walk if you have the flu.painted houses

They walk their dog with their doggie bag

They agree to cook your turkey if  your stove dies the night before Thanksgiving and you are hosting your horde of  relatives.  

 Their daughter will babysit on short notice and New Year’s Eve!

They hold the flashlight for you when you get to gabbing and forget to mow the lawn until after dark.  

 They don’t get angry when your son gets his first bow and arrow set and shoots them in the leg (by accident).  

Most of us have neighbors.  Neighbors make your neighborhood a great place to live.     



Westbrook Realty Grand Rapids MI Real Estate   

Copyright by Terry Westbrook 2008

    Contact me: 1-888-240-1968 x 0   toll free  


Photos courtesy of flickr – zapping your neighborhood by hp19 &  there goes the neighborhood by Orrin

Do You Have A Pint to Spare??? Michigan Blood Center Needs You

The Michigan Blood Center is an unlikely coffee break stop. But that is precisely

when I like to stop in and get my juice and cookies.  It is located at 1036 Fulller Ave. NE

Grand Rapids, MI 49503.

Of course, they like to take a little of my Type O blood before they give

out the cookies.  I am one of those fortunate enough to live in a community that has

 a generous and giving population. The Michigan Blood Center has branches and donation

centers all over Kent County and supplies 100% of the regular blood to our hospitals from

many West Michigan counties.

        DID YOU KNOW???cutest baby in the world

  • a new born baby has about 8 oz. or 1 cup of blood 
  • Every three seconds someone in our country needs blood
  • Blood banks often run short of Type O and B blood
  • Just one pint of blood can help up to 3 people
  • 43,000 pints of donated blood are used each day in the US and Canada
  • shortages of all types of blood occur most often during summer & winter holidays
  • donating blood will not decrease your strength

They also do aspheresis, marrow, stem cells, and cord blood donations. 

I have donated to the aspheresis patients numerous times when The Blood

 Center calls with a desperate need for a donor.  How can you resist when they

tell you a little 12 year old girl has leukemia and needs your platelets to survive?

This is one of those situations where you don’t appreciate this gift

until you or your loved ones need it. Please consider giving the gift of life to

someone in need. It takes  a few moments out of your day and you get a free

coffee/juice break!!

                    cookies terry westbrook grand rapids mi real estate blog  I am working on my 10th gallon and I hate to admit how many cookies that is!!

                    DO YOUR GOOD DEED TODAY.     

                                   GIVE BLOOD.






Stack of Cookies photo courtesy of Flickr photostream by The Soka   

 Baby Evan photo by Terry Westbrook



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                          Contact Terry   616-292-7263