The Michigan Blood Center is an unlikely coffee break stop. But that is precisely
when I like to stop in and get my juice and cookies. It is located at 1036 Fulller Ave. NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503.
Of course, they like to take a little of my Type O blood before they give
out the cookies. I am one of those fortunate enough to live in a community that has
a generous and giving population. The Michigan Blood Center has branches and donation
centers all over Kent County and supplies 100% of the regular blood to our hospitals from
many West Michigan counties.
- a new born baby has about 8 oz. or 1 cup of blood
- Every three seconds someone in our country needs blood
- Blood banks often run short of Type O and B blood
- Just one pint of blood can help up to 3 people
- 43,000 pints of donated blood are used each day in the US and Canada
- shortages of all types of blood occur most often during summer & winter holidays
- donating blood will not decrease your strength
They also do aspheresis, marrow, stem cells, and cord blood donations.
I have donated to the aspheresis patients numerous times when The Blood
Center calls with a desperate need for a donor. How can you resist when they
tell you a little 12 year old girl has leukemia and needs your platelets to survive?
This is one of those situations where you don’t appreciate this gift
until you or your loved ones need it. Please consider giving the gift of life to
someone in need. It takes a few moments out of your day and you get a free
coffee/juice break!!
I am working on my 10th gallon and I hate to admit how many cookies that is!!
Stack of Cookies photo courtesy of Flickr photostream by The Soka
Baby Evan photo by Terry Westbrook
Westbrook Realty Grand Rapids MI Real Estate
Contact Terry 616-292-7263